Personal yoga practice with collective energy
Mysore (Self-Practice) is a method of instruction/study where we give students one-on-one guidance either giving verbal instructions or by giving hands-on adjustments. A Mysore space is dynamic with students of different levels practicing together. New students are taught a few postures at a time, in a way that suits their individual needs. Over time, we work on deepening our mind-body understanding of such postures.
- Ashtanga yoga which focuses on the same sequence of postures daily quickly cultivate strength and flexibility. The method of learning which asks students to not just remember but absorb the postures, creates more mental awareness and focus.
- Ashtanga Yoga, when practiced with regularity, is a tool for transformation. As one’s practice changes and expands as does the practitioner, making it a mind-body-spirit experience.
Kaz Castillo
Kaz Castillo loves yoga for its transformational power and the poetry of life inherent in daily practice. A student of R. Sharath Jois of KPJAYI in Mysore, India, she is authorized by him to teach the ashtanga system.
A Filipino-American, Kaz started teaching in the Philippines in 2008. Since 2013, she has been on the road, facilitating retreats and guest-teaching for mysore programs in Barcelona, Osaka, Cairo, Manila and San Francisco.
She returns to Egypt, after a long stint last year teaching in Mysore SF, sandwiched between two trips to Mysore India, to study with and assist her teacher. She is looking forward to sharing the teachings with students at Nun. This is her fourth trip to Egypt since 2013.