Auricular Therapy
Our ear is a map, reflecting the brain and all the body organs in more than 200 points, which whe…
Our ear is a map, reflecting the brain and all the body organs in more than 200 points, which whe…
Overcome your challenges, and gain the tools to make needed behavioral changes with a supportive …
Release your trapped emotions and bring new life to your health with a one-on-one healing session…
Somatic Therapy is built around the concept of nervous system dysregulation after traumatic exper…
Specialized healthy eating guidelines and understanding according to your own bio-individuality, …
As a holistic medical philosophy, this treatment views all your symptoms of illness as part of on…
Physical therapy is a healthcare specialty that includes the evaluation, assessment, and treatmen…
Tui Na is a hands-on body treatment that uses Chinese Taoist principles in an effort to bring the…
The Alignment Healing Method ( AHM) is a new form of back, neck & joint care. It was developed by…
Feldenkrais Method of SomaticEducation focuses on improving awareness & movement. Feldenkrais hel…